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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Frozen Nostrils

There is a dusting of snow this am on the cars. It felt as if winter had arrived again last pm. The cold was damn near the kind of cold that when you inhale your nostrils freeze.
Why start a blog?
1.I have all these thougths and crazy ideas running around in my head-----some plain boring, trite and retarted while others are destructive, psychotic and sometimes interesting. Writting these in the moleskin journals over the years has only helped smewhat to relieve the pressure in my skull.
2.No one will ever read it-nothing to worry about
3.This may be my last post
Why not start a blog?
I can't think of any good reasons


Unknown said...

Damn mispelled a word

Jody said...

You have WINTER! We don't have it this year :(

AdamCanDestroy said...

I wish people around my neck of the woods had frozen nostrils instead of flaring ones.